Leading Change: With A New Preface by the Author

Millions worldwide have read and embraced John Kotter’s ideas on change management and leadership

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Tips and traps for writing an effective business plan

A concrete business plan is essential when assessing a business's earning potential or when applying for financing. Tips & Traps for Writing an Effective Business Plan uses the popular Tips & Traps format to guide you step by step through the process of creating an effective plan that will work with a developing business.

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Be smart, act fast, get rich: Your game plan for getting it right in the stock market

"Be Smart, Act Fast, Get Rich is a book for all investors from first-time stock buyers to seasoned investors. 'Be Smart' suggests you understand the fundamentals of the company you are purchasing. 'Act Fast' suggests that action must be taken if you are going to increase your wealth in the stock market. All too often we find interesting ideas to invest in but never have the confidence to act, only to watch the stock's price rise while others reap the benefits. This book is an easy read, and a must-read for all investors."

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